
October 6th, 2015

Debt recovery for recruitment sector: A success story

Recruitment Sector Debt – Collected!

This recruitment sector debt collection success began when our client contacted us having suffered two of their staff being ‘poached’ by a competitor agency. The two staff were at that time contracted out to a hiring company by our client. The competitor continued supplying them to the hiring company. The hiring company were subsequently invoiced by our client for transfer fees, which they refused to pay.

This was a classic attempt of foul play. Very soon after being passed the debt we had made contact with the Director of the hiring company, responsible for payment of the transfer fees. It was clear they had fallen prey to the tactics of the competitor. After explaining the likely outcome determined through analysing the facts surrounding the dispute, calculating the additional fees which could be due by the debtor, facing a multi tracked court case, a settlement figure in excess of 25,000 pounds was collected. Importantly in this case, Sterling were able to retain the relationship between our client and the debtor, with a high probability of the debtor doing further business with our client in future and abiding to the Terms and Conditions of agreement.

Read more about our recruitment sector debt collection service here: Recruitment

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